Monday, January 19, 2009

Airplane Rides and Sitting

I took these last night after I had already posted the other pictures. David was flying Emma in the air like an airplane and Samuel naturally wanted a turn too. It also appears that they took turns sitting on each other! The children love their daddy, and he sure loves them. Sometimes Emma will give a kiss if you ask her for one. It basically is an open mouth slobber attack, but I love it! I thank God for the joy that our family experiences through relationship with each other.


I forgot that I had taken the pictures one day while we were out at the playground. Emma did like the swing, even though you can't tell in the photograph.

Emma's first taste of Cereal

We started a couple of weeks ago trying to feed Emma cereal. She is very interested in what we eat, but I'm afraid that her food was not quite what she was expecting! We took some pictures from the first time that we fed her. She still is not taking the cereal very well, but I'm sure that she will get used to it soon. Plus when we started adding the fruits, it will taste much better. Its amazing that less than two years ago we did this with Samuel, but I am still going to have to pull out the books to remember what foods she can and cannot have right now! By the way, Samuel could not stay away from the her bowl of baby cereal so I finally let him have a taste. Needless to say, he did not like it and has kept his fingers out of it since then!

Samuel is very "into" all things Emma!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

My Cuties!

I know that every mother believes that children are the greatest things ever, and admittedly I agree! We haven't had too much going on out our house lately. Just the usual, diaper changes, feedings, naps, and bathes! We did manage to snap a few photos tonight, and I think they are adorable! Emma is sitting up really well now which allowed for Samuel to hold Emma a little better. And for those concerned, he is hugging her, not putting her in the "choker hold." So please indulge me and enjoy the photos!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Too Long, and too busy

So, after many have asked for the next posting to be put up, here it is. I have decided to not try to back track too much, because that would be to tedious obviously I don't have the time for that! Thanksgiving and Christmas were great. We had so much to be thankful for this year, and we remembered Dixon throughout the holidays. It will be one year since his death January 26. In some ways it is as if time has stood still, while yet time has flown. Emma is in the beginnings of eating baby food, which she is not crazy about at the moment. She is sitting up, and occasionally rolling over. She smiles a lot and has a wonderful temperament most of the time, but Samuel does know how to push her buttons. That and out of no where baby toys are fascinating to both Emma and Samuel. It is also a wonder at how fast a two year old can spin a 5 1/2 month old around in an exersaucer! Samuel is talking up a storm, and really beginning to process things in a more childlike way. The terrible twos has come with a vengeance on his poor toddler body, and he cannot always express himself in the most pleasant ways! He is refusing to use the toilet, although today he gloriously proclaimed that he did not want to wear "baby diapers" like his sister. He knows when he has to go, and so do hopefully this much awaited time is coming when he will use the toilet and not his diaper! David and I are great. We are currently training for a triathlon at Lake Lanier in June. It is called a sprint because it is not the iron man distance. However, it does require training, so we are getting excited about it. Well I don't want to overwhelm you with writing, and this is a quick way to get you up to speed. I hope to do better in the future! Enjoy the pictures, they are a mixture of holidays, our trip to Costa Rica, and just around the house. God bless!